How to Cook Appetizing Chai Tea Sehat

Chai Tea Sehat.

Chai Tea Sehat You can have Chai Tea Sehat using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Chai Tea Sehat

  1. It's 2 sendok of jahe parut.
  2. It's 1/2 sdt of cengkeh.
  3. Prepare 8 of kapulaga.
  4. It's 1 gelas of uk 200-300ml susu santan/santan fresh.

Chai Tea Sehat instructions

  1. Semua bahan dimasak dg api kecil sampai larut dalam santan tsb. (Keluar aroma, dan jangan sampai mendidih yaa).
  2. Saring dan tambahkan madu dan garam mineral sedikit/ tambahkan suwiran kurma.
  3. Chai tea sehat siap diminuum.. yeay...


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