How to Prepare Appetizing Healthy Peachy Yogurt Oatmeal Chiaseed Mango Smoothies

Healthy Peachy Yogurt Oatmeal Chiaseed Mango Smoothies.

Healthy Peachy Yogurt Oatmeal Chiaseed Mango Smoothies You can cook Healthy Peachy Yogurt Oatmeal Chiaseed Mango Smoothies using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Healthy Peachy Yogurt Oatmeal Chiaseed Mango Smoothies

  1. Prepare 1 bungkus of Yogurt Drink merek apa aja boleh.
  2. You need 3 sdm of Oatmeal.
  3. It's 1 sdm of Chia seeds.
  4. You need of Mangga buat Topping.

Healthy Peachy Yogurt Oatmeal Chiaseed Mango Smoothies instructions

  1. Bisa langsung semua di mix jadi satu langsung di mangkok. Bisa juga d blender supaya oatmeals ny lebih halus..
  2. Tuang yogurt drink (di sini sy pakai rasa peach). Masukkan oatmeal & chia seed. Blender halus.
  3. Taruh topping buah yg kalian sukai. Di sini sy pakai mangga..
  4. Bisa langsung di konsumi klo kalian suka lebih cair. Atau di simpan di kulkas. Klo d simpan di kulkas dia bakalan jd lebih pekat lagi. Tergantung kalian suka yang gi mana ya guys 😍.


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