Easiest Way to Cook Delicious Healthy Smoothies Kale with Fruits

Healthy Smoothies Kale with Fruits.

Healthy Smoothies Kale with Fruits You can cook Healthy Smoothies Kale with Fruits using 12 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Healthy Smoothies Kale with Fruits

  1. You need 3 lembar of kale keriting.
  2. Prepare 3 lembar of kale ungu.
  3. It's 3 lembar of kale nero.
  4. Prepare 1 buah of apel fuji.
  5. It's 1 buah of pear.
  6. Prepare 3 buah of jeruk Sunkist navel.
  7. You need secukupnya of Anggur.
  8. Prepare 6 buah of kurma medjol Palestine buang bijinya.
  9. You need Segenggam of daun mint.
  10. You need 2 buah of lemon ambil airnya.
  11. You need 700 ml of air mineral.
  12. You need of Es batu (optional).

Healthy Smoothies Kale with Fruits instructions

  1. Cuci kale dan buah-buahan sampe bersih tiriskan.
  2. Masukkan kale,daun mint,anggur d belah 2 dan kurma yg sdh d buang bijinya.
  3. Masukkan jg apel dan pear yg sdh d potong2,jeruk Sunkist d kupas kulitnya,air jeruk lemon dan air mineral,blender sampe semua halus.
  4. Tuang ke dlm gelas2 saji, smoothies bs d dinginkan dulu d kulkas atau d tambahkan es batu ketika d blender.


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