
Showing posts from February, 2020

Recipe: Yummy Healthy Green Smoothie

Healthy Green Smoothie . You can have Healthy Green Smoothie using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Healthy Green Smoothie Prepare 1 batang of daun seledri. Prepare 1 of apel hijau. You need 1 of apel merah. Prepare 1 of sunkist. Prepare 1 cup of plain greek yogurt. Prepare 1 cup of air dingin. It's 1 sdt of jahe. It's 2 cup of es batu. You need 2 sdm of madu. Healthy Green Smoothie step by step Siapkan seluruh bahan. Cuci bersih semua buah lalu tiriskan. Iris2 buah. Lebih kecil lebih baik agar buah lebih mudah di blender.. Potong sunkist terlebih dahulu menjadi dua seperti digambar buah agar mudah membersihkan bijinya dan mengupas kulitnya. Lalu potong setengah sunkist menjadi empat lalu kupas kulitnya. Potong seledri batang menjadi 4 bagian lalu iris.. Campurkan seluruh buah terlebih dahulu lalu lemon, y...

How to Cook Yummy Susu Wijen Sehat Halal Organik, Sesame Raw Milk

Susu Wijen Sehat Halal Organik, Sesame Raw Milk . You can have Susu Wijen Sehat Halal Organik, Sesame Raw Milk using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Susu Wijen Sehat Halal Organik, Sesame Raw Milk It's 4 buah of kurma segar. Prepare 1 cangkir of biji wijen yang belum dikupas. Prepare 2 cangkir of air putih matang. Prepare 1/4 sendok teh of Sea salt atau boleh Him salt. You need 1/2 sendok teh of bubuk vanilla asli @kantinorganik. Susu Wijen Sehat Halal Organik, Sesame Raw Milk instructions Rendam biji wijen dan juga buah kurma semalaman pada tempat terpisah, minimal 6 jam, bilamana biji wijen sudah tanpa kulit maka cukup direndam selama 1 jam. Setelah direndam semalaman, saring dan buang air rendamannya.. Biji wijen selanjutnya diblender dengan kurma pada kecepatan penuh selama 30 detik, tambahkan sedikit air saat hendak memblender, saring air blende...

Recipe: Perfect Strawbery healthy juice

Strawbery healthy juice . Get strawberry juice recipes and learn about strawberry side effects. I don't know anyone who doesn't. They are super healthy and they are a fantastic treat. The juice is sweet and a bit sour because of the lemon juice. Strawberries are bright red, juicy, and sweet. This refreshing, healthy strawberry-cucumber juice is also made with an apple and carrots, making it Strawberry-Cucumber Juice. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility. You can cook Strawbery healthy juice using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Strawbery healthy juice Prepare 15 buah of strawbery (beku). Prepare 2 sdm of Gula pasir. It's 1/2 bks of susu kental manis. It's 1 of yakult beku. It's 200 ml of air dingin / air biasa. This juice's ingredient list includes health-boosting spices like ginger and turmeric, plus Blended with chia ...

Recipe: Perfect 32. Smoothie Semangka Sehat

32. Smoothie Semangka Sehat . You can have 32. Smoothie Semangka Sehat using 6 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of 32. Smoothie Semangka Sehat It's Secukupnya of semangka buang kulit kerasnya,bagian yang putih tidak. It's 7 butir of habatusauda tiap gelas. Prepare Secukupnya of skm putih. You need 1/4 sdt of chia seed tiap gelas. Prepare 5/7 buah of kurma (saya pakai sukari). You need 150 ml of air putih. 32. Smoothie Semangka Sehat instructions Potong-potong ukuran kecil semangka masukan dalam blender, masukkan kurma dan skm putih tambahkan air dan blender. Siapkan gelas masukkan habatusauda 7 butir setiap gelas, es batu dan semangka yang sudah di blender, tambahkan chia seed di atasnya dan hias dengan potongan semangka. Siap dinikmati 💓🍹.

Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Jus Sehat

Jus Sehat . You can cook Jus Sehat using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Jus Sehat It's 1 ikat of pak coy / sawi daging. Prepare 1 of brokoli. You need 2 of jeruk peras. It's 2 sdm of madu. Jus Sehat step by step Cuci bersih sayuran dan buah. Siapkan blender.. Potong2 sayuran dan buah, masukkan ke dalam blender. Blend hingga halus dan tercampur rata.. Tambahkan air & madu. Blen lagi lalu tes rasa.. Jus sehat siap di sajikan. Minum ini seminggu full insyaallah badan jd lbh seger.. 😇😇.

Recipe: Perfect Healthy Green Juice

Healthy Green Juice . Turn green juice into a meal by adding high-protein Greek yogurt to the no-joke mix of green Blended with chia seeds and leafy greens, this green machine provides healthy fat and fiber to fill. Healthy Green Breakfast Juice. via I am Chef. This recipe calls for two green apples, but if you prefer your juices less sweet and heavier on the greens, you can add kale or Swiss chard (the recipe. Healthy Green Juice: Cucumber, Celery, Spinach, & Kale. Green juice has been a talk of town when it comes to healthy eating. This healthy green juice recipe is made with kale, romaine, lemon, apple, and ginger and makes for the most delicious detoxifying and nutrition drink! You can cook Healthy Green Juice using 6 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Healthy Green Juice It's 10 batang of daun kale. It's 2 buah of nanas ukuran kecil. Prepare 1 buah of timun. It's 2 buah of ...

Recipe: Delicious Low Calories Es Teler / Healthy Es Teler

Low Calories Es Teler / Healthy Es Teler . You can have Low Calories Es Teler / Healthy Es Teler using 14 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Low Calories Es Teler / Healthy Es Teler Prepare of Bahan blender :. You need 1/2 of nanas madu beku sz kecil. Prepare 500 ml of Air kelapa muda. You need of Es batu. Prepare 1 sdm of Yoghurt greek / strawbery. Prepare of Bubuk smoothies (optional bisa ganti madu). You need of Bahan es teler. You need of Nangka. You need of Kolang kaling ori. It's of Nata de coco sisihkan airnya. Prepare of Nutrijell no sugar. You need of Kopyor (optionoal). It's of Alpokat. You need of Almond milk unswetteed. Low Calories Es Teler / Healthy Es Teler instructions Campur semua bahan es teler d mangkok. Blender bahan bahan. Tuang blenderan ke mangkok...